Recording a Video
In this lesson we will learn how to record a video. TurtleBot has different
image topics. We will work with /camera/rgb/image_raw
NOTE: Sometimes recording a video does not work properly. In this case skip this lesson.
1. Launch Gazebo.
roslaunch turtlebot_gazebo turtlebot_world.launch
2. Open a new terminal and run:
roslaunch turtlebot_teleop keyboard_teleop.launch
3. In a new terminal run image_view.
rosrun image_view image_view image:=/camera/rgb/image_raw
4. Open a new terminal and make a directory.
mkdir ~/turtlebot_videos
5. Change directory.
cd ~/turtlebot_videos
6. Run video recorder.
rosrun image_view video_recorder image:=/camera/rgb/image_raw
You will see these strings in terminal:
[ INFO] [1453124521.982593277]: Waiting for topic /camera/rgb/image_raw...
[ INFO] [1453124522.175860991, 2771.980000000]: Starting to record MJPG video
at [640 x 480]@15fps. Press Ctrl+C to stop recording.
7. Move TurtleBot.
NOTE: The terminal with teleop launching has to be active all the time otherwise you won’t be able to operate the TurtleBot.
8. Press Ctrl+C
to finish recording. You will see these strings in terminal:
^CINFO] [1453124549.590776602, 2799.370000000]: Recording frame 549
Video saved as output.avi
9. Launch video using vlc media player.
vlc output.avi
NOTE: You can use media player which you prefer.
10. Interrupt the processes. Close the terminals.
You can watch these steps in the video:
Recording a Video
You can read more about video_recorder on wiki_ros.