In this part we want to provide several more complicated lessons. We want to give you some useful ideas.

Visualisation of Your Results

Lessons “Taking a Photo” and “Recording a Video” are very important because it is very useful to show the results in graphic mode. You can prepare posters or videos for conference or meeting using this data. Visual information can also attract more people to robotics.

Using Existing Code

We want to show how you can combine several ros nodes for your goal. In lesson “Following the Route Using Code” you will create ros node with functionality: go to the position and take a photo. You do not have to control how TurtleBot will take photo. We can combine ros nodes together like functions in python script.

User Interface

We also understand that application have to be easy to use. In the Gazebo Concert lesson series we provide you a quick look at rocon project and creating user application.

We need your help! You can write what tutorial do you need. If your know anything interesting you can share your knowledge by creating a lesson.

Let’s start our lessons. We wish you productive study hours!