On the workstation, open a terminal and run:

cd ~/helloworld
gedit coffee_bot.py

Scroll down and find:


There are four values you should change:

  1. server_public_dns – Set this to your EC2 account’s public DNS. Make sure you start with http://.
  2. near_dock_station_x – Set this to the ‘x’ value near your docking station.
  3. near_dock_station_y – Set this to the ‘y’ value near your docking station.
  4. kobuki_base_max_charge – Set this to the maximum battery charge of your kobuki base.

Save your changes and exit the editor.


  • How do I find my public DNS? Scroll down to “Determining Your Public DNS” in this article.
  • How do I find a point near my docking station? Follow the directions from this article.
  • How do I determine the maximum battery charge of my Kobuki base? Scroll down to “Determine the maximum charge value of the Kobuki base” in this article.